Friday, January 30, 2009

Monday Madness is Feb 2nd

Be sure to check our website on the first Monday of each month for our MONDAY MADNESS Special! It will also be posted here on the blog.

From midnight Sunday night to midnight Monday night, you can enjoy a "sweetheart" of a deal:

Purchase ANY regularly priced flightsuit and select a Groovy, Blue Sparkle, or Tropical flightsuit for just 99 cents! WOW! There are four ways to take advantage of this special!

1. Order online- put MONDAY MADNESS in the "other" block and use a credit card for your order. You will be billed the correct amount, not what your shopping cart says. (sorry, we are unable to process Monday Madness orders via paypal and google at this time).

2. Fax your order to 540-288-8135

3. Email

4. Phone us at 888-412-7667

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Welcome Avian Friends!!

Welcome to our newest endeavor!! Here on our new birdy blog, you will be able our latest trends ideas and products, as well as keep updated with specials and close-outs! So come back often and see what we are up to!

Please call 888-412-7667 or visit our website to place your order at

We look forward to hearing from you!